The Encoder System Information Module

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The Encoder System Information module shows basic system information of a connected encoder such as memory, CPU and GPU usage.

Encoder System Information Module
Encoder System Information Module

Creating an Encoder System Information module

  • In the main control page, go to Menu > Modules > New Module. A module settings window will pop up.
The Encoder System Module Information Settings
The Encoder System Module Information Settings
  • Select Encoder System Information in the Module Type selector.
  • The encoder selector will be displayed. Select an encoder.
  • Click the OK button.

The newly created module will appear in the grid.

The Right Click Menu

By right clicking on the module, a menu with more features will be displayed.

Right Click Menu
The Right Click Menu

Open in the Encoder

It opens a new tab and accesses the event page in the encoder web interface.

Note: There may be access restrictions depending on the settings of your encoder or the security rules of your network.

Module Settings

Opens the module settings windows.


Creates a new module with the same parameters as the current one.


Delete the module from the grid.

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