The Clock Module

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This module displays a digital Clock. By default it displays your computer’s current time.

The BoraGrid's Clock Module

Creating a Clock Module

In the main control page, go to Menu > Modules > New Module. A module settings window will pop up.

The BoraGrid's Module Type Selector

Select “Clock” as module type then click “OK”.

Module Settings

To access the module settings: Right click on the module then select Module Settings.

Label (optional)

Allows you to add a label to identify the clock.

e.g. Local Time

Time Gap in hours (optional)

A time difference in hours to your current computer clock. Useful for simulating time zones.


Clock font color selection.

24 hours format

Toggles between 24-hour mode and AM-PM mode.

Right Click Menu

The Module Right-Click Menu

Module Settings

Opens the module settings windows.


Creates a new module with the same parameters as the current one.


Delete the module from the grid.

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