The Event Controller Module

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The Event controller module allows you to monitor and control a single or a main / twin pair of events.

The BoraGrid Controller Module

Creating an Event Controller Module

In the main control page, go to Menu > Modules > New Module. A module settings window will pop up.

The BoraGrid Event Controller Module
  • Select Event Controller as module type. The following fields will be displayed.


Select from the list the encoder where the event to be controlled is located.

Note: If the list of encoders is empty, see Encoders Settings.


Select the event to be controlled.

Note: If the events list is empty, check the encoder for active events. If the event you looking for isn’t in the list, see Main Control > Menu > Project > Project Settings > Events per List.

Event Alias (optional)

It allows you to give the event a personalized name. If left blank, the id and original name of the event will be displayed in the module.

Twin Event (optional)

A second Encoder/Event pair can be selected to act as a twin Event.

All commands sent to the main event from this module will also be sent to the twin event. This is very useful in a main/backup transmission.

Normal and Expanded View

BoraGrid Event Controller Module Normal View
Event Controller Normal View
Event Controller Expanded View

The module allows two types of views. The Normal, with more details and controls, and a cleaner Expanded view.

You can switch between a Normal and an Expanded view by double-clicking on the video preview image or by right-clicking on the module and then clicking “Toggle View”.

Module elements

1 – Video Preview

A window with live updated frame captures from current source input.

2 – Audio Meter

Audio level bar and db value.

3 – Control Button

Sends start, stop or reset command to the event.

4 – Module Settings Button

Opens the module settings windows. See “Creating a Event Controller module” below.

5 – Silent Button

Mutes / Unmutes audible alerts from this module.

6 – Lock / Unlock Button

When the module is locked, its buttons and right click menu are disabled. The commands coming from the control panel are ignored.

7 – Cue Out Button

Request a SCTE-35 Cue Out Marker Insertion. Cue markers can be used to perform live stream server-side or player-side ad insertion. For more information, see the article Ad insertion with AWS Elemental Live and Boragrid using SCTE-35 markers.

Note:This feature is only available in the Pro plan.

8 – Cue In Button

Request a SCTE-35 Cue In Marker Insertion. Cue markers can be used to perform live stream server-side or player-side ad insertion. For more information, see the article Ad insertion with AWS Elemental Live and BoraGrid using SCTE-35 markers.

Note: This feature is only available in the Pro plan.

9 – Input Video Buffer Summary Statistics

Displays the input average and maximum buffer used. Click the reset icon to reset stats.

10 – Warning Button

If the event status changes to Warning or Error the Warning Button will be displayed. It will remain visible even if the status changes. Click it to make it disappear.

11 – Network Activity Icons

Orange arrow up icon – Blinks when the module sends a command to the encoder.

Green arrow down Icon – Blinks when the module receives a response from the encoder.

12 – Event Information Display

Displays the following information about the event.

Encoder Name

Event id and name or its alias name

Event Status: Pending, Pre-processing, Running, Post-processing, Warning or Error

Processing Time

13 – Message Area

Right Click Menu

By right clicking on the module, a menu with more features will be displayed.

Event Controller Module Right Click Menu

Toggle View

Toggles the module display between the normal view and the extended view.

Open in the Encoder

It opens a new tab and accesses the event page in the encoder web interface.

Note: There may be access restrictions depending on the settings of your encoder or the security rules of your network.


Displays a list of commands that can be sent to the encoder. The list changes according to the status of the event.


Allows switching between event inputs.

See the article Switching Inputs in Real-Time.


Allows images to be inserted over the video and removed in real time.

Note: Images details must be listed in Settings > Images. Image files path must be accessible by the encoder.

Module Settings

Opens the module settings windows.


Creates a new module with the same parameters as the current one.


Delete the module from the grid.

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